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Friday, July 29, 2016


Time ticks very fast !

Mindfreak girl is here, the old me, i guess?

Well, i've been silent for a while for few purposes.

Yet, i find there are people who is sick. HAHA. 'Sick'

Alhamdulillah for the experiences i've collected, wish to have more experiences ahead.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Without the ones I love


Its almost 2 years.

How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind,
I have so much to say but u're so far away.

So far awayyyyyyy. And I need you to know.

Eid Adha without u again, atok. Rest well. Will be visit you, tomorrow!

Al Fatihah.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

2013 ? :)

Assalamualaikum !


today is 25th May 2013 !

Alhamdulillah, i'm still alive. :)

first of all, i just realize tat this is my first post for this year!

okay. tell u what? i'm quite busy from the 1st day as i entered my 3rd semester.

but, time flies too fast! faster than what i ever thought.

i just finished my 3rd semester ! yes, no jokes people~

to me, this semester is quite hard and i still pray hard for our results which will call us after this 3 weeks of holidays.


Goodbye semester 3. -break- waving for the next sem! the last sem before we enter a new phase of life(practicum phase)

till we meet again. Assalamualaikum! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



stop boleh x?

bukan apa, penat lah.

serious ni, penat.

petanda semakin byk

oh... terima kasih! :)

ma, pa.. sorry. serious. i think i just cant all this.

exam around the corner. but like seriously m not ready.

3 straight papers  ?

nooo. im dead.

just dead.

take me away then.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DOA Rabitah?

Yes yes. Ustazah to be said so, I hve to ask her start reciting dua rabitah while imagine the enemy's face. but then, i know its too hard to do so.. budak cmtu mmg payah nk dibetulkan. tgk gaya dah tahu.. but then, the only I can tell her is, doa byk2, klu kite dah usaha, xley gak, biaq p ja.. mmg tu la diantara salah seorang amnusia yg suke create problem dlm hidup dia and turn it to be upside down. seumur hdupnya, xpnh die kne gtu, tp nk wat cmne kan klu dah usaha xley gak? sabar wahai kawanku. tenangkan diri. relax.. jgn smpai manusia tu pny pasal, u r out of control, xd mood, x mkn bagai. die manusia gak. nt mati gak. x kan setia kat dunia ney. oyeaahh! come on friend, relax yaww?? final examination is around the corner. you just have to concentrate on ur studies, ASSIGNMENTS and of course going back for Raya! ^_^ Goodluck lil pal!
Apa kau buat disini budakk??

tahu ertinya MARABAHAYA?

jikalau ku jadi engkau, pastinya takut dan aku cabutttttt

disini bukannya tempatmu, baik kau pulang segeraaaaa =)

its just simple sentences. tp mendalam ooo~ alu pikir la sndriii ^____________^

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life as a trainee teacher :)

HOme sweet HOME?

haha. saya dan adik saya x d home sick home sick kejadah ni.

kami suka nak balik sbb boleh relax x pack cm aktiviti ad kt mktb ni.

tp, bile balik mktab, byk keje! kadang2 x jd nk homesick bagai!


actually, nk share citer psl ad adk laki~~

dlu, xd rasa pape.. yg taw asyik nk gaduh.. and rasa i have to protect myself from outsiders since adk kecik lg and along dah kahwin ^^

tp kan, skg ni.. x sangka adk yg baru 13 tuu sgtlah matured drpd kakak die neh!

sgt lahh jaga KEBAJIKAN kakak die taw!!

my bro jenis xbyk ckp.. klu jln2, org akn ckp die sombong.. sbb die jenis xpndang pmpuan(scary kn?)

dlu die pemalu, xsuke cmpur org.. men bola bukn jarang, xpenah turun pdg pun!

klu die nak main, die heret kakak die ni main sama2 ngn dia.. baik bola, squash, badminton or cycling!

adk oh adikkkkkkkk. 'akk kau ni dah besau taw x? cycling kebenda, org bujang byk kt taman nie!'

die reply? 'yeke? ouhh... jom g stadium. nek moto. kate teror men moto?'

perghhhhhhhh! tercabar seyh! fine fine! pergilah stadium.. fine! rehlah ngn org laki ni best taw x!

tetibe terpikir and ckp ngn die gini 'bile nk tinggi? pendek nau r'

die dgn selambenye jwb 'soon... sooner or later, believe me'

perghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... tu la jawapan die sehari sebelum ke MRSM ALOR GAJAH..

senanye, xbg die g hostel !
yela! sape nk jga mama tu? papa tu kang xd kwn! dah la since im away from house, papa kesunyian!

kang dgn sape dieorg nak lawan2 ckp??

'dik, klu x g MRSM xpe ke? terime jela HIGH SCHOOL tu.. sekolah mne2 un sme.. kang ko kne buli kang, cmne?

'MRSM are better la sis... buli? tgk kakak r, xkne buli pny'

Ya ALLAH! positive gile answer die!!!! rasa cm nk huwarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! tension! seteressssssss!

fine, adk aku da besa... da pndai pikir.. :')


masalah jiwa ?? x ok! ni masalah bile adk beradik sikit! hahahaha. my elder bro & sis of coz la da lme tglkn kami.. they have their own chil and wife/husband..

scene plg menarik adalah.. bile my bro balik weekend and we can't stop fighting.. masa tu parents un legaaaaaaaa~ klu x, sunyi gila rumah.. bile bising dieorg suka... kinda weird kn?

sampai dpt report yg papa b0leh bgun lewat malam semata-mata utk tdo dlm bilik sy~ omg! sadis x??

oh papa! Im sorry! xd niat nk tglkn pa.. mslhnye xley duk luar. lg 3 tahun je k! then, akk jnji.. sebelum kahwin, nk nyemak2 dlu kt umah. hehe! ok??

mama un x selera mkn bile ank die xd..! huwarghhhhhhhhhhh sadis weyh sadisssssssss! patut la lg keding :'((

setiap hari waiting for our calls! my bro suke call sbb die x suke msg.. mslhny, budak kecik ni x suke call. suke msg.. kdg2 smpi parents tny my bro 'kakak ad call?'

huwarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! double triple sadis bin sedih!

hehe. then, aktiviti d'teruskn dgn SKYPING with them! dunia dah maju kn?? somemore, ank die ni mmg gle internet. hehehee

alhamdulillah, saw their face, i'm in a happy mood :)


p/s: Promise you, ma, pa! i'll always be there with you . dun be either sad nor moody thinking of me, im fine here ^________________^